Monday, September 28, 2009

The clamatis were few and far between this year. The whites, so plentiful for months last season were out sparsely for a week this year. These reds only showed in late August after a few weeks of nice weather.

It's been a busy late summer with a new arbor to cover the deck and provide some shelter from the summer rains.
Now to get rid of that white lattice. I'm a plastics guy but not on my deck please! I love the smell of the cedar in the rain.


mr fkia said...

Hey Rob, it's Doc Bain and he's still alive!!!

Rob Greenfield said...

Well, fkia, I see that - I was wondering.
Now about plastic privacy fencing - it depends on the job it's doing and the cost - cedar may smell nice in the rain, but it sure is expensive to enjoy it when it rains.

northerndreamer said...

blah blah blah...if you guys would come and visit once in a lifetime, you'd know exactly what's been going on.

mr fkia said...

I'm coming soon...I swear!!

Rob Greenfield said...

I think you might be a bit pre-mature with that comment, fkia.